EditiX XML Editor 2022

Schema Editor - XSLT Editor - XSLT Debugger - XSL-FO Editor - XQuery Editor

EditiX is a powerful and easy to use XML editor, Visual Schema Editor, XQuery Editor and XSLT debugger for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X designed to help web authors and application programmers take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSLT / FO, DocBook and XSD Schema.



You can now get a quote online.


EditiX 2022 is available, it improves inner functions like a new smart tree and parser.


EditiX 2021 is available, it manages docx/xslx for XSLT and add a lot of UI improvements.


EditiX 2020 is available, it improves mainly the JSON support.


EditiX 2019 is available, this major release includes a lot of improvements, like a new search/replace, a 64 bits version for better performance...


EditiX Community 2017 Edition is available as a powerful open source XML Editor


EditiX 2017 is available, this major release includes a totally rewritten W3C Schema editor and much more...


EditiX 2016 is available, this is a major release with a new content assistant, a JSON editor, a new XML Diff and much more...


Editix 2015 Build 140815 is available, this is a service pack 1 fixing various issues.


Gines fernadez presents EditiX XML Editor 2015 in spanish : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEQg5QnzbgM


EditiX 2015 Build 130315 is available, it fixeds a major problem for the schema documentation generator and the printing feature.


EditiX 2015 Build 220215 is available, it fixed a problem with the content assistant for Linux. The transparency effect has been removed too.


EditiX 2015 Build 220115 is available, it fixed various problems with FO transformation. You musn't override your previous installation by this one.


EditiX 2015 Build 150115 is now available, this build fixed a problem with the unix platform.


The WebKit Browser is disabled in the last build (040914) due to hanging when opening an XSLT on some machines. Else if you meet such problem, you can disable the webkit browser through the following preference.


webkit preference for editix xml editor


EditiX 2014 SP1 is available


This is a minor release fixiing various bugs mainly for the XML Schema inferer.


EditiX 2014 is now available


We are glad to announce the new major release of EditiX 2014. This version includes various new features like a visual XML Editor by CSS, a new project management, a new XML generator...


EditiX 2013 Build 050913


- Add theming and a new default theme silver for the interface

- Fixed anti aliasing for the text editor

- Fixed DTD with document overriding


EditiX 2013 SP1 is now available


EditiX 2013 Build 032913





Available for









Starting Prices



EditiX's Users

"This is really a great app for creating and developing XML-based documents"

Rüdiger Weiß-Mazzoni

"useful and professional XML editor"

Eyal Katz
